Our Projects

Tree Planting Day
The Oku Cultural and Development Association (OCDA-USA) plans to invest in the conservation of Kilum Mountain forest, which is the largest area of rare Afromontane forest remaining in West Africa. The forest is an important biodiversity hotspot, serves as a water tower, and plays a significant role in local tradition and culture. The Oku people had started to seek ways of preserving the forest in 1987, and with Birdlife International and the Cameroon government, a participatory community-based forest management system was implemented in 1988. OCDA-USA intends to contribute to the forest regeneration by providing support to the community-based forest management system, launching an annual Tree Planting Day (TPD) initiative for school children, locally procuring endemic seedlings, providing funding for TPD activities, supporting the establishment of tree nurseries and tree planting, supporting soil and water conservation activities, and improving forest honey production through beekeeping.